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Mahasiswa Prodi Biologi Berkarya : Novel Microbial Consortium Formulation as Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria (PGPB) Agent

7th International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Environment (7th ICSAE)

International Conference by Sandrila Denaya

Pencapaian hebat lain telah diraih salah satu mahasiswa Prodi Biologi Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universita Al Azhar Indonesia. Sandrila Denaya telah berhasil mempresentasikan hasil penelitiannya di acara 7th International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Environment (7th ICSAE)pada 25 – 27 Agustus 2020 kemarin. Penelitian ini dilakukan dibawah bimbingan Dosen prodi Biologi UAI Dr. rer. nat Yunus Effendi dan Arief Pambudi M.Si. Kegiatan ini diadakan atau didukung oleh Selcuk University (Turkey), Sebelas Maret University (Indonesia), Mataram University (Indonesia). Acara ini diselenggarakan sebagai sarana presentasi hasil hasil penelitian yang berkenaan dengan pengelolan di sektor pertanian dan sebagai wujud kepedulian dan komitmen dalam mendukung peningkatan kualitas penelitian dan  di Indonesia.

Pertemuan ini diselenggarakan untuk membahas proyek penelitian saat ini dan aplikasi mereka pada pembangunan berkelanjutan di bidang pertanian dan lingkungan. Ruang lingkup konferensi ini mencakup berbagai topik antara lain interaksi antara pertanian dan lingkungan (termasuk aspek sosial dan ekonomi), biologi dan pertanian, pembangunan berkelanjutan, pertanian tropis, keanekaragaman hayati, bioteknologi, hortikultura, tanaman, produksi hewan, perubahan iklim, pengelolaan air, konservasi tanah, manajemen pertanian terintegrasi, struktur hidrolik, ketahanan pangan, COVID-19 dan Isu Pertanian Berkelanjutan (baru) dan masalah pertanian dan lingkungan terkait lainnya.

Berikut potongan abstrak dari penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Sandrila Denaya ini.

PGPB enhance plant growth through nitrogen fixation, IAA production, phosphorus and pottasium solubilization. PGPB as biofertilizer provide an alternative for chemical fertilizer to reduce environmental damage. PGPB in consortium could be more effective instead of single strain inoculant. Biofertilizer must contain bacteria that compatible, non-pathogenic and actively in many biogeochemical process. The aim of this study are to investigate compatibility, design soil bacteria consortium isolated from rubber-Canna intercropping plantation and evaluate the consortium’s potential as biofertilizer. Functional roles of PGPB was tested such as nitrogen fixation, potassium and phosphate solubilization, and IAA production. Detection of pathogenic bacteria was tested by Blood Agar method. Compatibility test was performed by cross streak method. Bacteria were identified using sequencing of 16srRNA gene and verified using BLAST to database of NCBI. The results showed that among 19 bacterial isolates, all showed the nitrogen-fixing activity, G5 had the highest phosphorus and potassium solubilization index, whereas Citrobacter braakii strain 167 produced the highest IAA concentration. Compatibility analysis showed that Citrobacter freundii strain LMG 3246, Citrobacter braakii strain DSM 17596 and G5 are compatible as a bacteria consortium and may developed as biofertilizer. This study found a possible new and beneficial biofertilizer formulation to enhance plant growth and to reduce the application of chemical fertilizer.

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